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Debbie Ali




When one suffers as result of any type of abuse there are many after effects that include depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, panic attacks, PTSD and so many more.  The aftermath of abuse is not the type of situation that the average individual considers. The general assumption is that once the ‘victim’ is removed from the abusive home or situation then all is well.


The healing journey is lifelong and like any disease, the survivor must learn to cope with the reality of the aftermath.  Emerging from abuse and trauma directly affects everyone in and around the victim’s life, parents, children, spouses and other close friends and relatives. Often times the trauma they experience after having their loved one suffer abuse is long lasting and in many cases they do require therapy.


For the survivor, a new, scarred and shattered life has begun in the aftermath and without effective guidance in navigating this hazardous life, one can fall into alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, panic attacks, suicidal tendencies and so much more.  Coping with these highly volatile mental and physical issues can quickly become overwhelming and if therapy in some form is not sought out, tragedy can occur.

 You can find help by visiting my website where you can book consultations and sessions.

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